Ore assessments
Geologists, process engineers, project designers are involved in the Irgiredmet’s professional interaction. Irgiredmet has the extended database of comparative companies; it allows to reduce work completion time and enhance economic calculation accuracy.
Integrated technical and economic assessment requirement occurs at every stage of mine development:
- Technical and economic considerations/suggestions at the stage of mining plant acquisition or participation in an auction/tender.
- Technical and economic assessment of exploration conditions and reserves estimation (including approval process support in the National Reserves Committee of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Resources Management) at the greenfield and geological exploration stage.
- Reserves estimation according the JORC Code for companies with foreign platforms stock trading or IPO plans.
- Technical and economic assessment of investment for bankers and investors.
- Technical and economic calculations, comparisons, considerations, forecasts and suggestions for management decision making at every stage of mine development.
Due to a broad experience in mineral exploration, mining and processing Irgiredmet provides solving all of the above-mentioned issues for mineral developers.
Geological and economic block models are obligatorily used during execution of works
In recent years Irgiredmet has performed a range of technical and economic assessment works for the Vysochaishy processing plant, Polyus Gold, Nordgold, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), Kinross, Russdragmet, Russian Mining Company (the Valunistoe deposit).